Niconi Oxygen Bleach For Safe Bleaching

Bleaching Do`s and Dont`s By Niconi

Everyone wants clear, bright and glowing skin. Several people opt for bleaching to lighten their skin. However, that's not it. People bleach their skin for a lot of reasons. While some do it to hide their facial hair, others do it to lighten the spots and discolorations on the skin. If you're planning on bleaching your face, here are a few do's and don’ts to keep in mind.


Do's Of Bleach

  1. Clean your face properly before applying the bleach on it to remove all the dirt and pollution from your face. We would suggest you do a double cleansing before the start of any face treatment.
  2. Make sure that there's no oil on your face otherwise it will not let the bleach work onto your skin and will form a barrier in between your skin and bleach cream.
  3. Secure all your hair in a bun or a ponytail to avoid bleaching your hair accidently.
  4. Read all the instructions given on the box very carefully and mix the activator and bleach lotion in the proper quantity mentioned.
  5. Do a patch test before using the product on your whole face, especially if you have sensitive skin.
  6. Do not use your hands to apply the cream on your face as they contain tiny germs, make sure to use the brush given inside the box
  7. Always bleach your skin at night so you can protect it from the sun for the next few hours.


Don’ts Of Bleach 

  1. Do not use a metal container to keep your bleach cream. The metal will react with the bleach which might cause breakouts on your skin. Using a glass bowl is preferable.
  2. Make sure to not apply the bleach cream on sensitive areas of your face. Always do a patch test before.
  3. Bleaching makes your skin sensitive so make sure to not step out in the sun immediately after bleaching. Do not forget to wear your spf the next morning.
  4. Do not apply the bleach on your wounds and acne. Leave those areas and apply the bleach on the rest of the face.

Link to buy niconi Oxygen bleach is here

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